Can You Imagine?عينة

Can You Imagine?

يوم 4 من إجمالي 9

No Body

Light of the world

Lamb that was slain

Lion who rose

Mighty to save

The fullness of God

Won’t be kept in a grave

Darkness your hour is over

The resurrection of Jesus is foundational to our faith. Through it, Jesus made a way for us to have a relationship with Him, forgiveness of our sins, and to live under grace — not law. There has never been a greater act of love than Jesus’ choice to die and come back to life for us.

But if we confine resurrection to a one-time event we celebrate at Easter, then we miss the life-changing truth that resurrection wasn’t just an event — it’s what God still does. He brings things to life. He didn’t only come to earth for our salvation; He came for our freedom.

The resurrecting power of Jesus is still at work in your life today. That means darkness can’t last in your life. He is still mighty to save. He is still bringing dead things to life.

In what area of your life do you need to see the resurrecting power of God? Whether it’s a breakthrough, an addiction, or a dream you’ve given up on — there’s nothing outside God’s reach.

The fullness of the power of God cannot be contained, limited, or restricted in any way. It’s greater than your disappointment. It reaches beyond your struggle. The power of God can permeate the most desperate situations. But don’t forget, faith will always include an action on your part.

The two women wouldn’t have known Jesus was alive if they hadn’t gone to the tomb to see. God might be calling you to take a step of faith toward Him today. Call out to Him, and have faith that you’ll see the light of Jesus begin to illuminate the darkness in your life as you walk in obedience to Him.

يوم 3يوم 5

عن هذه الخطة

Can You Imagine?

Whether you’re new in your relationship or you’ve been walking with Jesus for a while, it’s easy for your faith to lose its sense of expectation. Maybe you used to believe God for big things, but you’ve been disappointed, and now you find yourself rationalizing why He won’t come through. It’s time to remember that your God still does miracles, and He wants to move in your life.
