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Anchored in Hope: Readings From the New Testamentعينة

Anchored in Hope: Readings From the New Testament

يوم 2 من إجمالي 5

Reflect on today’s reading using this question: How do Jesus’s death and resurrection demonstrate his love and commitment toward us?

Hope that Doesn’t Disappoint

When mankind was powerless to earn salvation, Jesus bore the weight of our sin so that we could be reconciled to God (5:10). Jesus’s love for us was so great that he sacrificed his life and was resurrected to bring salvation and hope. Jesus was willing to defeat death to prove his commitment to us. As we reflect on the price Jesus paid to offer us eternity with him, we can rejoice and even boast in the hope of the gospel.

Reflect on your story:

Often people and things will disappoint us. But God promises that the hope we find in him will never disappoint!

  • What are you feeling disappointed about today?
  • How does being a friend of God restore hope to your life?
يوم 1يوم 3

عن هذه الخطة

Anchored in Hope: Readings From the New Testament

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