Hope Filled Tomorrowعينة

Hope Filled Tomorrow

يوم 2 من إجمالي 5


The last couple of years have brought unexpected challenges, perplexity and, for some, fear. The coming year could be more of the same. None of this takes God by surprise and, as Bible-reading believers, we too have the opportunity to become immovable.

Immovability comes when we keep our eyes on the Lord and allow the river of His life and love to continually flow through our hearts. God’s promise is that ‘He will help her when the morning (or the year) dawns’. In other words when the day comes, He will be there ready to help us, whatever is thrown at us.

What if 2022 is fraught with danger but is also the year we discover both God’s increasing nearness and closeness and an obvious growth in our own faith? Jesus comforts His disciples and asks them a question: ‘I tell you, He will be quick to help them. But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?’ (Luke 18:8 NLV).

Please join me in this challenge – Lord increase my faith this year and help me become immovable, for your sake and the sake of others.

Written by JOHN SCOTT

يوم 1يوم 3

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Hope Filled Tomorrow

2022. A new year full of opportunities and possibilities, and a new chapter waiting to be written. Through this week’s devotionals, we hope you will create space to reflect on the year that was and to prepare and refocus for the year ahead. Who knows what God is going to do!
