Letters for Life: Ephesians & Philippiansعينة

Letters for Life: Ephesians & Philippians

يوم 18 من إجمالي 31

Take time today to reflect on what God has been speaking to you about through the book of Ephesians. Here are a few questions to help guide you: 

  • What did you learn about God through the book of Ephesians? 
  • What were a few key thoughts that stuck out to you as you were reading? 
  • How could you apply those thoughts to your life?

يوم 17يوم 19

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Letters for Life: Ephesians & Philippians

Over the next 31 days, we’ll journey through two of Paul’s prison letters: Ephesians and Philippians. We’ll unpack some of his greatest lessons including how you can live victoriously, even in hard times, and how you can find and keep your joy in all seasons.
