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Praying for People Around Youعينة

Praying for People Around You

يوم 10 من إجمالي 11

Those Struggling with Addiction

Do you know someone struggling with addiction?

Chances are the answer to this question is yes...whether you realize it or not. With addiction comes shame and shame often causes people to hide. You may not know who or what, but it’s likely that someone in your community struggles with some form of addiction. So, what can you do to help?

Prayer is a great place to start. Even if you don’t know the specific addictions that exist within your community, God does. And as we lift these up to him, we can trust that he will do something.

As you’re praying this prayer, think about what you would want others to pray for you if you were struggling with addiction...

Loving God, we pray for those living in our communities who are dealing with addictions. You see the loneliness and hurt underneath their struggles. Strengthen them to reach out for help. Enable them to take the first step of recovery. Bless them with the persistence to persevere in the fight to be free. Give courage and hope to their families—bring healing and restoration to them as well. Help us to share with them the hope and freedom that is found in Christ. Amen.

يوم 9يوم 11

عن هذه الخطة

Praying for People Around You

Everywhere we look, there are people in need. We are working to decrease suffering and increase human flourishing, and we want to show you how to do the same. Join us on a journey of prayer as we bring the people around ...


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