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Patterns for Peaceعينة

Patterns for Peace

يوم 3 من إجمالي 12

It's Active, Not Accidental.


“Peacemakers” is a significant word in scripture. It might surprise you to know that the only time this word is ever used is when Jesus mentions it in the beatitudes.

It is a word bursting with energy. It mandates action and initiative. Notice Jesus did not say “Blessed are the peacewishers" or the "peacehopers." He didn’t say "peacedreamers" or "peacetalkers.” Peace must be made. Peace never happens by chance. A peacemaker is never passive. They always take the initiative. They are up and doing.

So let's first understand what peacemaking is not.

Peacemaking is not the absence of conflict. Peace in the Bible is never to be confused with pacifism or the avoidance of strife. We’re never instructed to run from conflict or put our head in the sand, hoping that the conflict will end. Anytime we do that it only delays the inevitable. 

Remember this, peace in the Bible (the kind of peace that Jesus talks about)  is always based on justice and righteousness


Questions for reflection.

What wrong ideas have you had about peacemaking?

What do you think it means to seek justice and righteousness?

يوم 2يوم 4

عن هذه الخطة

Patterns for Peace

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