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5 Days From Jesus, Our Perfect Hopeعينة

5 Days From Jesus, Our Perfect Hope

يوم 2 من إجمالي 5

Rejoice Always!

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! –Philippians 4:4

If anyone understood the amazing power of praise, it was the apostle Paul. As he wrote his letter to the Philippian church, no doubt he remembered being in the prison of that same city with his coworker Silas (Acts 16:16–26). Unjustly incarcerated, beaten, and in chains, the two men of God sang hymns to the Lord—demonstrating that their joy came from Him and not their circumstances. It was then that the doors of the prison flew open and they were freed.

That is why Paul knew that his admonition to rejoice would be meaningful to the Philippians. They had seen it all firsthand, and some had even been saved as a result (Acts 16:27–34).

It should be meaningful for you as well. Whatever your difficult situation, it does not control you. Your joy comes from God, and giving thanks to Him is one of the most powerful things you can do as a believer. So rejoice! Acknowledge you’re dependent upon His provision and strength because that’s exactly the attitude necessary for Him to exhibit His power through you. Soon He will fling open the doors of your situation and set you free as well.

Jesus, my joy comes from You—so I will continue to praise You and give You thanks regardless of what happens. Amen.

My hope is in Jesus because He is my strength and my song.

يوم 1يوم 3

عن هذه الخطة

5 Days From Jesus, Our Perfect Hope

People need hope. So often, we rely on relationships, money, jobs, or other pursuits that fail to satisfy. Jesus Christ is the one true source of hope that never fails, and the daily devotions in Jesus, Our Perfect Hope,...


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