Journey With Jesus 365ናሙና

Jesus teaches His disciples about humility, stating that to enter the kingdom of heaven, one must become like a little child. He warns against causing others to stumble in their faith, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation. Jesus outlines the steps for addressing sin within the church, urging believers to confront and restore a brother or sister who has sinned. The chapter concludes with the parable of the unforgiving servant, where Jesus teaches that we must forgive others from the heart, just as God has forgiven us.
How can you show the same grace to others that God has shown to you?
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Experience authentic and lasting life change as you strengthen your relationship with Jesus! Journey with Jesus 365 will take you on a journey to better understand the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Each day you will have readings from one of the gospels, while also reading through the whole Bible in one year. Daily devotions are focused on the life of Jesus, and provide context for the reading and practical ways to apply Biblical truths to the life of the believer. Start your Journey with Jesus today!