Living in Increase (Part 3) - Increase in Purposeናሙና

Living in Increase (Part 3) - Increase in Purpose

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Week 2: Know Your Calling

Called To Worship

The topic of “purpose” is a popular subject and has only grown over the past few decades. People want to know what they were created to do. This thought process is what separates us from the rest of creation. We ask, “Why am I here?” and spend a lifetime trying to answer it. We can waste valuable time if we aren’t careful when answering this question.

When you don’t know what to do, do what you know to do. I cannot overstate how helpful this has been to me. I spent years waiting for God to write my purpose in the sand, and I was super frustrated when I didn’t see obvious answers. When there is uncertainty about the next step, we can certainly ask God for the next step. We can also look at the previous steps we’ve taken. We can ask, “What has God already instructed us to do?” If you don’t know your next step, do what you are sure you should do.

You can be sure that God has called you to worship Him. Worship means to bow down. This is both literal and figurative. We bow down literally in prayer or reverence to God. We bow down figuratively in submission to God’s reign and rule. While you may not know what job to take next or what career to pursue, you do know that God wants you to live a life fully submitted to Him. Because God will cause all things to work together for your good (Romans 8:28), worshiping Him will never lead you astray. Pray about your concerns and uncertainties. Cast your cares upon our Good Father (1 Peter 5:7) while remembering that God wants you to grow and develop in Christ.

You have been called to worship God.

Ruby Washington

Action Step: Write down some areas in your life that you have not fully submitted to God. Thank God for His continued grace and mercy. Pray for God to help you bow down to Him and revere Him in every way.

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