Living in Increase (Part 3) - Increase in Purposeናሙና

Living in Increase (Part 3) - Increase in Purpose

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Hopefully, by now, you know that your life matters! Unfortunately, so many people are trying to find purpose in life. We look for purpose in all the wrong areas. We try to find purpose in our jobs, relationships, or hobbies. The happiest people do not have fancy cars, nice houses, or tons of money in their bank accounts. They are the individuals who know why they exist! They are the individuals who know their purpose.

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day that you were born, and the day you found out why.”

The only way to discover our purpose is through our relationship with God. God had a purpose for our life before we were even created. He has uniquely designed us on purpose for a purpose to accomplish great things for His Kingdom.

Our ultimate purpose in life is to love God by using our gifts to serve others. I challenge you to continue using your gifts to love those far from God. When you do this, you’ll experience something powerful called “transcendence.” It’s the idea that your life truly matters, and when you use your gifts and live in your purpose, you will experience fulfillment and joy like never before!

Austin Green

Action Step: Journal about the day you realized what you were born to do. What did you think? How did you feel? What excitement did you have? Writing down these memories will help you remember why you do what you do!

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