The Noble Experimentናሙና

Have you ever had someone younger look up to you? Maybe it’s a sibling, someone in the grade below you, or a kid that you might not even know very well. They look up to you because they see you as older and wiser. They probably think you’re cool! So, if they’re copying you, it’s important that you’re setting a good example, right? In the same way, other people — whether they believe in Jesus or not — will notice how you act and what you say. As followers of Jesus, we’re meant to stand out in a way that shows others who He is. That doesn’t mean you need to be perfect, but it does mean showing integrity and doing what’s right, even when it’s hard. And the best example to follow in how to do that is Jesus!
Today, as you read this verse, think about someone who might look up to you or who comes to you for advice. Pray for that person and ask God to help you be a good example!
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A high school devotional designed to help students understand what it looks like to live with integrity. In this devotional, you’ll find wisdom to guide you toward understanding what integrity means, how Jesus models it for us, and what it means to lead with it in your choices, actions, relationships, and more.