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Virtuous Woman - Serving & Teamworkናሙና

Virtuous Woman - Serving & Teamwork

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Character Goal: Courage is the state of mind or spirit that enables one to face difficulty in spite of fear because we trust in God.

Biblical Character: Shiphrah and Puah

Scripture Readings: Exodus 1:1–22

Discussion Questions:

  • Where were the Israelites living? How numerous were they?
  • What did the new king of Egypt decide to do to the Israelites? Why?
  • What happened as a result of the king’s treatment of the Israelites? Did his plan work?
  • After realizing that the Israelites were continuing to multiply, what did he command the Hebrew midwives to do?
  • Did the midwives carry out the king’s order? Why?
  • Based on this passage, what do you think it means to fear God?
  • What do you think the midwives knew and believed about God?
  • How can your past victories help you and your team overcome a difficult situation (e.g., losing streak, injuries, team division)? What are some things you can do to remember those victories?
  • Thinking creatively, what do you think the king could do to the midwives as a result of their disobedience? What gave them the courage not to follow through with what he commanded?
  • It takes courage to try new things to improve your performance. As an athlete, how do you react when your coach tells you to change the way you are executing a technique or skill?
  • How can the fear of God give us courage to do what pleases Him even when we may be afraid of the outcome?
  • We are often faced with the choice to either please people or please God. As a daughter of the King of kings, who should we seek to please and obey? How does obeying God in the face of opposition and pressure display courage?
  • Who are some courageous people you know? Maybe there are some athletes who have acted courageously by helping others, speaking up for what is right, or coming back after a serious injury. What kind of effects do courageous people have on those around them?
  • What did God do for the midwives as a result of their courage and obedience to Him? What does this teach us about God?
  • What does this story teach you about God? Women? How can you apply these truths to your life?
  • What is one thing I learned from this story that I can apply to my life before the next lesson?

Training for Godliness

Shiphrah and Puah experienced pressure from the Egyptian Pharaoh to go against God and what they knew to be right. As a woman and athlete or coach, in what ways have you been pressured to go against what you know to be right? What things can you do or read to help give you courage to make the right decision despite fear?

Here are a few ideas to get you thinking: Talk to other Godly people for wisdom and encouragement. Pray for boldness to do the right thing. Find accountability and encouragement by being a part of a small group at church. Read Scripture to be encouraged to trust God and walk in His ways.

Core Truths:

  • Courage comes from a knowledge of who God is and trust and faith in Him.
  • Courage is costly.
  • We experience God’s blessing when we act in courageous obedience to His Word.

Memory Verse: “She is not afraid for her household when it snows, for all in her household are doubly clothed.” -Proverbs 21:21

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Virtuous Woman - Serving & Teamwork

The Virtuous Woman - Serving & Teamwork Bible study seeks to encourage women to serve others and work together to accomplish a common goal. Serving & Teamwork is modeling Jesus' example of humbly serving others while expressing unity in Christ. This study was written by Alexandria McCraney, who lives in Arkansas with her husband and kids, serves with FCA at the University of Arkansas.
