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What to Pray for Your Childrenናሙና

What to Pray for Your Children

ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ16

What to pray for your children

How to pray for your unsaved, prodigal, or wayward child (2)

5. Parents must not try to take the place of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8-11). The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and shows your prodigal child how much God the Father loves them and the danger in which they are. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to show them the emptiness of the glitter of the world and many of the sinful pleasures of the world. It is His task to bring them home.

6. Parents must ask forgiveness when and where necessary. Reread Day 13 and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. You will quickly see the things about which you need to ask forgiveness. Parents often feel that admitting they were wrong in doing certain things will not help the situation. This is faulty reasoning. Children are usually quick to forgive. Ask forgiveness no matter how difficult it may be.

7. It's important to remember that God works in His ways and timing. Trust in God's plan for your child and interact with them with wisdom and compassion. After all, God created your child with great care in the womb (Psalm139:13-18).

8. What influences your child negatively and draws them away from God? Ask God to break unholy friendships and relationships. If it is a worldly lifestyle, money, power, fame, or any other pursuit that blinds them from seeing God’s love and the reality of eternity, ask the Lord to show them the ultimate uselessness of these things compared to eternal realities.

9. It is always too early to give up. Even if you have prayed for 50 years, do not give up! God hears and answers prayer (Luke 18:1-8).

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What to Pray for Your Children

Parents want to pray for their children but may not always know how and for what. They might pray with wrong attitudes, hindering prayers and leading to disappointment and unbelief. This Reading Plan provides guidelines and Scripture on how to pray.
