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Day 5: Sea life and birds

Sea life and birdlife. The tiniest lifeform and the most majestic. Each has their place. You think of the largest creature in the sea, the blue whale – and what does it eat? Krill, one of the tiniest creatures.

Some are beautiful and some are eerie looking, and all serve their purpose. Some sea creatures can live in the deepest depths of the largest oceans, and some can dive over 2,000 m down. Some birds fly well over 6,000 m and two types over 9,000 m.

All have their place, created by God and blessed by Him. Even the ones who want to eat your chips as you sit on the beach!

Next time you look up to the sky and consider the kookaburra, cockatoo or even seagull, or swim in the ocean and consider the fish and dolphins and even sharks, consider God and the amazing creation He has made. And then reflect on Matthew 6:26: ‘Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?’ And reflect on how much more God cares for you.


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The Creation story is an incredible account of God speaking everything into existence. We can look at the oceans or the animals and take them at face value, or we can take joy in the invitations behind them – to drink of the Water that will never run dry, or to take heart, we are more valued than the birds!
