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Abiding in Himናሙና

Abiding in Him

ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ7

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." John 15:4 KJV

J. C Ryle comments on our text and explains abiding in Christ to mean to keep up a habit of constant close communion with Jesus - to be always leaning on Him, resting on Him, pouring out our hearts to Him, and relying on Him as our fountain of life, our strength, our chief companion, and our best friend.

Let me ask a quick question: who do you turn to and pour your heart to first when you need to talk to someone?

If it is not Jesus, then you are not truly taking full advantage of the blessedness of being called into fellowship with Him. I strongly opine by the authority of the Scripture that Jesus should be the first person you talk to when you need help. No man can and should attempt to take His place in your heart. He is indeed a friend that is closer than a brother.

A life of constant communion with Him will strongly draw us closer to the perfect lover of our souls. Jesus wants fellowship, not just an empty activity and ritual that lacks the knowledge of His love and grace towards us. He wants to be known by us and He loves to hear our woes. I do not think Jesus is pleased to hear only my good stories but all my woes, fears, troubles, and disappointments. He wants to hear them all.

How much shall we keep away from Him that sees us and sees all things?

Like J. C Ryle admonishes, we are to regard Him as our chief companion. We ought to prioritize pouring our hearts out to Him.

What needless pain we bear because we do not pour it all at His feet. I see that Jesus wasn't looking for zombies but true friends who will indeed let Him into their lives and allow Him to have the say in their affairs.

Most times, we are overwhelmed by our weakness and circumstances because we have left the fountain of life and dug for ourselves cisterns that cannot hold water. Of this we must repent and look to Him who has called us into His glory and grace, baring our hearts to Him in all seasons of life.

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Abiding in Him

Explore the depths of what it truly means to abide in Christ and experience the abundant life He promises to those who remain in Him. Each part of this devotional delves into key aspects of abiding in Jesus; from trusting Him completely to embracing His love as the nourishment for our soul.
