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Fully AliveSample

Fully Alive

DAY 4 OF 6

Note to reader—the following is a transcript of the video.

The Treasure Hunter

For those convinced that power and wealth will satisfy.

Have you ever felt that life was like a game that you had to win? The pursuit of reliable income, positions of authority, and achievements that you can be proud of—these things aren't bad. But when they take center stage in your life, then you can end up believing that they are all that we actually are.

It's easy to get trapped into this seductive thought that Once I get what I want, no one will ever tell me what to do—ever again.

Elvis Presley is a great example. He's an icon. But about six weeks before he died, he had a reporter famously ask him Hey, Elvis, when you first started playing music, you told me, he said, that you wanted to be rich, you wanted to be famous, and you wanted to be happy. Well, you're rich, and you're famous, Elvis, but are you happy? And Elvis replied to him, No, I'm not happy. I am as lonely as hell.

When we build our life on meeting society's standards of victory, we set ourselves up for empty dissatisfaction. Because power and the accolades of life—they will not satisfy your soul.

Proverbs 1:18 and 19 says, when you look to those standards…

You are setting an ambush for your very own self, and you lie in wait for your very own blood. It says, that's what happens to those who grab all they can get. They ended up being robbed of life.

The addictive rush of applause, and prestige, and a hard-earned accomplishment can feel very euphoric in that moment, but it leaves behind a void. Like, a hungering for more, more, more—better, faster, further. The higher we climb, the greater our paranoia grows, that we might, then, now fail, having come so far. And then, a worthlessness begins to take over. If you should ever slip up from there, then you're going to be relegated to a lifelong sense of mediocrity. Wow. That's not the standard you want.

The most powerful person of all, the One who created you—the one who created the whole universe—He says, You are worthy of love.

I love you, says the Lord, just as you are.

God's love for you—it is complete, and it's unlimited. He wants to help you flourish. He wants to restore you and reset your life.

In Matthew 13, Jesus describes the kingdom of Heaven that He's inviting you to enter. He describes it this way…

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found and then covered back up. Then in his joy, He goes and sells everything that he has to buy that field.

Jesus is the greatest treasure, the only one worth pursuing with all your might. He is the only place that you're going to find satisfaction and peace.

And He says…

The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls who, upon finding one pearl of the greatest value, he went and sold all that he had so that he could buy that pearl.

Jesus is pursuing YOU with all of His might. He even gave up His life for you because He sees you in this way: To Him, you are the greatest treasure! He's not disappointed in you. With Him, you can stop striving and rest in His love. He's offering you His love freely. It's a gift. Will you accept it?

Pray with me now.

Jesus, I've been struggling to feel worthy of Your respect. But now I know You love me, and You died to rescue me, to save me, and You're everything I need. I invite You to be the Lord of my life. Show me Your ways, God, and I will follow You forever. In Jesus’ name.


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About this Plan

Fully Alive

There’s a path that looks right, but in the end, leads to death. Have you ever thought, "How did I end up here? This isn't the life I dreamed of!" Maybe it's time to get off your well-worn path and let God establish a new way forward. Journey with Andrew Palau through six video stories. Find the one your soul longs for and the path of life—Jesus.
