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Daniel Fast- Called to Fight Until VictorySample

Daniel Fast- Called to Fight Until Victory

DAY 8 OF 21

Day 8: Entering His Calling

“Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them – to the Israelites.”

Joshua 1:2

The Lord shapes His leaders before they assume leadership roles. He determines our family background and the people around us and equips us with the abilities and talents necessary for His purpose. Spiritual gifts are bestowed upon us (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12), and the timing of our birth is orchestrated to fulfill His plan for our generation (Acts 13:36). God orchestrates circumstances and trials to prepare us for His call and assess our readiness for challenges (1 Corinthians 10:13).

On the journey to a calling, God guides us through different life stages, as seen in the life of Joshua. Before becoming a leader, God honed Joshua's warrior skills, fostering obedience, leadership, bravery, and courage (Exodus 17:8-14). For 40 years, he faithfully served Moses and was recognized as "Moses' servant" (Exodus 24:13, Numbers 11:28, Joshua 1:1). Despite the title, Joshua displayed humility. During Moses' communion with the Lord, Joshua patiently waited almost six weeks, demonstrating his humility and dedication (Exodus 24-32, Exodus 33:11).

God cultivated Joshua as a leader, instilling in him the right spirit and heart. Joshua and Caleb possessed a spirit that saw victory over difficulties and obstacles, focusing on God rather than circumstances or majority opinion (Numbers 14:6-10). Under God's guidance, Moses bestowed a new name upon him—from Hoshea to Joshua, meaning "the one through whom He who is to give salvation" (Numbers 13:16).

God revealed His plan for Joshua's life through Moses (Numbers 27:18, Deuteronomy 31:7-8) and then directly called him to lead the nation into the promised land (Joshua 1:1-9). God often uses others to convey His unique and perfect will for each individual. Joshua boldly accepted the call, trusting the Lord in the face of the unknown.

In God's calling, He does not leave us uninformed but reveals the challenges ahead. God showed Joshua the obstacles, opposition, and responsibilities he would face (Joshua 1:2-5). Although daunting, these challenges allowed the manifestation of the Lord's supernatural power. Joshua fearlessly embraced new opportunities and challenges, recognizing that God was preparing him for a different leadership role.

Joshua's leadership style differed from Moses'; he was appointed at a time when a military leader was needed. Moses was a peacemaking shepherd, but Joshua, called to conquer the promised land, acted as a military leader and commander. Moses listened to the people’s complaints and tried to help them by calling on the Lord, but Joshua was intolerant of laziness, fear, or sin and commanded people to take initiative. When people were thirsty, Moses gave them water, but Joshua commanded the thirsty people to dig their own wells.

God's preparation ensures leaders are suited to the challenges of their time. New times brought new challenges, crises, solutions, opportunities, tools, and skills. The conquering of the Promised Land required new thinking! As God prepares us for our generation and time, providing us with a calling, He equips us with all we need to fulfill His will. Taking a step of faith and obeying His commands are crucial in this journey.

«A special call begins with special preparation from the Lord.»

Reflection Questions:

1. What life stages did you go through on your way to a calling from God?

2. How and what has the Lord called you to do?

3. What has God given you to fulfill this calling?

4. How do you understand the time in which you live? How do you use the opportunities of your time?

5. What price will the people in your life pay if you don't fulfill your calling?


  1. That God would continue to prepare you for His special calling.
  2. For Multiply Schools – may students find their calling in Christ.
  3. For the GOGame team as they are pioneering disciple-making strategies in the world of video games.

Day 7Day 9

About this Plan

Daniel Fast- Called to Fight Until Victory

This devotional delves into the truths of the book of Joshua, which will help us stand in the most challenging spiritual battles against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Using the fearless leader Joshua as an example, we will learn how to endure the spiritual battle with a hostile and fierce world and emerge victorious. We are called to fight until victory!
