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Love Leadsናሙና

Love Leads

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Leader Love Suffers Long

Love-driven leadership seeks the Lord, finds confidence in Him, and executes His vision in His timing and in His way for His glory. And it takes great faith, which works through love.

The older I get, the faster life seems to rush by. We’re all in a hurry to get somewhere, do something, or speed through an experience. While we may be in a hurry, God is not. We live in a microwave generation, and speed seems to matter more than quality. But God teaches us the importance of time spent waiting.

Waiting requires long-suffering, or patience. Strategic leaders are results-driven. They want things done now, and they want them done right now. But understand that decision making is impacted by our view of time. The leader must always make decisions in consideration of short-term versus long-term need and impact. It’s a combination of knowing what to do and knowing when to do it. Love underpins all timing issues by making others feel comfortable that “everything is under control.”

A love-driven leader is not anxious about anything but follows Paul’s instructions in Philippians 4:6–7: “In everything, by prayer and supplication with gratitude, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will protect your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

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Love Leads

In these daily readings, delve into the secret ingredient to successful leadership. Equip yourself with the necessary tools to glorify God in ministry, the workplace, and the home. This devotional is based on the book Love Leads by Dr. Steve Greene.
