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Our Daily Bread: Lead Like the Shepherdናሙና

Our Daily Bread: Lead Like the Shepherd

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His Voice

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. -John 10:27

As Debbie and I waited for the annual sheep crossing, we began to hear the flock in the distance. Over the surprisingly loud sound of thousands of hoof steps and a steady cacophony of “baas,” came a different noise.

It was the shepherd, leading the flock from the front with a loud warble of his tongue. The sheep responded, turning in the direction he led—away from meadows they’d known, across the closed freeway, past hundreds of my fellow onlookers, and into the high country to graze for the summer.

This experience gave me a new appreciation for Jesus’ words in John 10:27: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

Despite a throng of noisy onlookers in Jerusalem who “[did] not believe” Him to be the long-awaited Messiah (vv. 25-26), there were many who did. Those who were following Him already would have seen themselves as the sheep in the metaphor and been reassured by His promise that they’d “never perish” (v. 28), and no one would “snatch them from the Father’s hand” (v. 29).

In moments of doubt or questioning whether we’re really one of Christ’s beloved sheep, we can be encouraged by the fact that we still hear His voice—even if it sounds like more of a whisper amidst the sound of the world rushing and crowding around us.

He knows us and our needs and is faithful to lead us toward higher ground. As we quietly listen for His voice, He’ll enable us to lead others confidently.

Kirsten Holmberg

When has Jesus led you through a new or difficult season? How can you listen for His voice today?

Thank You, dear Jesus, for Your voice that leads me through life.

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Our Daily Bread: Lead Like the Shepherd

Discover timeless truths about life and leadership with 10 devotions from Our Daily Bread so you can serve God well in whatever He has called you to do. Grow in your leadership with more related resources from Our Daily Bread Ministries.
