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[The Words of Advent] JOYናሙና

[The Words of Advent] JOY

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The Grace of Joy

If you wanted to talk to a little child, would you use a language that he or she cannot understand? No. You would get down on one knee to look that child in the eyes, and you would speak in a language that he or she can grasp. This is exactly what God does with each one of us. That is grace.

In the countryside around Bethlehem, an angel appeared to shepherds who were tending their sheep at night. He gave them a message of great joy. The angel spoke to them in a language they could understand. Was this God’s doing? He didn’t have to do this, but He did. This is grace.

The shepherds were terrified, but the angel calmed them down. The Roman and Greek gods of the day wanted people to be afraid of them. But what does God want? He wants to speak to us on our level. He wants us not to be afraid because He desires an intimate relationship with us. Jesus said the same thing to James, Peter, and John at the transfiguration, “Arise, and do not be afraid.” That is grace!

The angel said to the shepherds, “I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be for all people.” Good tidings is translated from the same Greek word as gospel. It is as if he had said, “I bring you the gospel, Jesus Christ. He is born for you; He will live, die, be resurrected, and be glorified for you. God Himself has come to be one of you. God not only broke the silence of 400 years, but He is coming here Himself.” That is grace immeasurable.

This is the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15, where we get the first presentation of the gospel, which was that the seed of the serpent would bruise the heel of Eve’s Offspring, while He would crush the head of the serpent.

The good news of Jesus Christ would result in great joy. Does God have any cause to give us great joy? While we were still sinners, Christ died for us so that we might have life. We can have joy in Him both now and in eternity. And this joy is available to all people, not just some. This is grace upon grace.

Father, thank You for the incredible news of Your Son Jesus Christ! Your grace through Him has given us immeasurable, outrageous, and contagious joy!

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[The Words of Advent] JOY

As believers in Jesus Christ, we ought to radiate an outrageous, contagious, and unexplainable happiness because of what we celebrate this time of the year. Join pastor Marc Rae in this third devotional plan as he tells the story of the first Advent and connects us to the Source of this unending joy: Jesus. Shout it from the rooftops, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come!”
