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Let There Be Writingናሙና

Let There Be Writing

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It’s Okay to Start Small

Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened. Genesis 1:11 NLT

Our culture tells us that the only way to succeed is to go big right away. But when we look at how God works, we see a different approach. God values slow, consistent growth. The tallest tree in the world is a coastal redwood stretching 380 feet toward the sky. This tree and every other plant in the world started with one tiny seed.

As writers, we can feel a lot of pressure to achieve. We may tell ourselves we have to hit a bestseller list, gain a certain number of followers on social media, or make a certain amount of money. But in one of the parables Jesus told, the master said, “Well done, my good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23 NLT). He didn’t say, “Well done, good and famous servant.”

Faithfulness is about saying “yes” to whatever God asks us to write each day (or however often our schedule allows us to do creative work). It focuses not on outcomes but obedience. It invites us to intimacy with Jesus, not creating an image. It leads to deep, sustainable growth rather than big goals that burn us out.

What idea has God placed in your heart as a writer? Think of it like a seed that needs to be nurtured so that it can grow. Tend it, water it, pull the weeds that try to crowd it out. Be patient with its progress. It has a timeline all its own. If it’s not producing what you want, it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. Resist the temptation to abandon it for something you think might give you the results you want faster or that looks more impressive.

God sees value in the small, invisible seed. He sees values in the small, invisible work you do as a writer too.

God, help me remember my role is obedience, and your role is results. I choose to be faithful today with the words you’ve entrusted to me. Amen.

What’s one way you’re growing as a writer?

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Let There Be Writing

In the beginning God created, and he still wants to do so through you. Bestselling author Holley Gerth walks you through the first chapter of Genesis. You’ll see it from a new perspective as she reveals truth and insights to encourage you as a writer. No one else can share the words God has placed in your heart, and the world needs your voice more than ever.
