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Devotions from Matt Redman – 10,000 Reasonsናሙና

Devotions from Matt Redman – 10,000 Reasons

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We are the Free

“There’s a fire in our hearts and it burns for You; It’s never going to fade away.”

A freedom song is never far from the lips of a worshipper of Jesus. We are the forgiven- those set free from the chains of well-deserved sin and shame. And we are the living- those raised up to life again in the power of Christ. These are not just empty religious mantras we sing. They are living, breathing truths that shape every moment of our lives. And because of that, our cries of freedom will never grow old, or become stale.

Most passions in this world come and go. We’ll get excited about the latest trend or some new idea, and that’s great. But in all likelihood that enthusiasm will fade over time, be extinguished by some obstacle or another- or be replaced by another passion altogether. This should not be so when it comes to our salvation. The song of the saved must outlive and outburn all other passions. For we were dead, and now we’re alive. We were condemned by our shame, and now we live eternally, forgiven and free. The heart that knows these things can make it through even the darkest night with that fire still burning brightly on the inside.

There’s a great definition of passion I’ve heard through working with the Passion college movement:

“Passion is the degree of difficulty we’re willing to go to achieve the goal.”

I love that. It tells us that passion is way more than an emotion or a feeling, though it may involve these things. It is far more than bubble, sparkle, or excitement. Passion is a gritty kind of love, a tough and optimistic enthusiasm that overcomes negativity and inconvenience to make it through to the end. Of course, the best ever example of this is the passion of Jesus Christ at the cross. Devoted to His Father’s will and spurred on by love for the world, Jesus took the agony of Calvary upon Himself.
Hebrews 12:2 puts it so powerfully:

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it’s shame…”

This is true passion. Let our lives and songs be marked by more than just a temporary effervescence or excitement. Let us burn with a holy, enduring passion that day after day brings glory to the One who set us free.

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Devotions from Matt Redman – 10,000 Reasons

In this devotional series from Matt Redman you will explore the scriptures and inspiration behind the worship songs on the album 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord).


We would like to thank Matt Redman for this devotional. For more information, please visit: www.mattredman.com