That's What Christmas Means to Me...ናሙና

That's What Christmas Means to Me...

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Don’t forget why Jesus came!

I have something special to share with you. My birthday is on Christmas day! In 1966, my Mom was the only person in the hospital in Zweibrukken, Germany. The reason my Mom was in the hospital was that she had just given birth to a!

Sharing a birthday with Jesus has always been both fun and challenging. There were times that my birthday felt a little forgotten in the Christmas rush. I am OK with it now, but as a kid, I wasn’t always happy that Jesus got all of the attention 😊 Now that I am older, I am so honored to be able to share the day with my Savior. He deserves all of the attention and the glory because He is the King over all.

I love these verses:

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” (Luke 19:10, NIV)

“...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28, NIV)

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14, NIV)

Do you understand the weight of those words? Each one of them comes with a connection to your heart. Jesus came to find you. Jesus came to serve you. Jesus came to show you His glory!

Years ago, I asked my Mom about the night that I was born. I was asking whether it had been difficult to spend Christmas night in a hospital in Germany, which was so far away from family and friends. Back in those days, Dads weren’t as welcomed in birthing rooms as they are now and my Dad had to look after my sister! I will never forget how my Mom shared about that night when she said, “You were worth it.”

Jesus wants you to know that you were worth it. The birth of Jesus was a miracle but that miracle happened so that YOU could have an opportunity to receive the gift of salvation that Jesus brought with Him. Jesus brought a priceless and incomprehensible gift so that you could know just how much you are loved, TODAY!

I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, and I would be so honored to pray over you in this sacred moment.

“Jesus, thank you for coming on Christmas. Thank you for laying aside your Heavenly Kingdom for a time so that you could draw physically near to our hearts. You are a humble King to come and be here with your people and I pray that your sacrifice would remind, that they truly were worth it. May your love cover *|NAME|* with hope, joy, peace and love on this Christmas day. I pray this in the name of our Savior King. Amen.”

You are a miracle!

Your friend,


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That's What Christmas Means to Me...

Stevie Wonder wrote a popular song for Christmas called "That’s What Christmas Means to Me.” In it, he talks about all these things (and more!) that represent Christmas to him. What about you? Have you ever asked yourself what Christmas means to YOU? The world will tell us all sorts of things about Christmas but what do WE believe about Christmas?
