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Discipleship & Radical WelcomeSample

Discipleship & Radical Welcome

DAY 3 OF 3

The Samaritan woman. Zacchaeus. The murderer who hung on the cross next to Jesus. Cornelius. Peter. You and me, all radically welcomed by the Lord Jesus.

Today we take a closer look at two verses and we pray that these verses will help and shine some light on how we can be more radically welcoming others in the same way Jesus did, but also how we can be more 'open' ourselves.

The first key for today comes from John 14.

Verse 23 speaks about two elements. First is the word and second is that we keep it. These seem to be two elements characterising the person who loves God. These people love the word, and they keep it. It is authoritative in their lives. Such a person does what the word says (also read the next verses 24 and on). If we love the word and do what it says, the Father loves us as well and He and Jesus will make their home in us. Amazing isn't it?

We need to ask ourselves: "are we lovers of the word and do we do what it says?"

The second verse comes from Romans 12.

Verse 13 speaks about "seeking to show hospitality". The context is "loving each other"—a community of love, a community where love rules and lives. Hospitality is something we should seek. Seek is an active word—seeking, going after, looking for, active, intentional. Is that what you do?

As we think about radical welcome we need to reflect and ask ourselves if we are loving the word, doing what it says, and seeking to welcome others in. We have the promise of the Father and Jesus making a home within us, and we should be seeking to extend that welcome to others.

"Lord, open our hearts, hands, and homes to live this out.."

Today is a short reflection:

  • What do you learn from Jesus' radical welcome? What characterizes Him? What characterizes you?
  • How do you love 'the stranger'? How do you radically welcome people and give them a feeling of belonging and acceptance? Do you dare, like Jesus, to go against the status-quo and walk with people who are walking alone?
  • How do you ensure you don't declare 'unclean' what God Himself has declared to be 'clean'? How are you inclusive and not excluding people? How conditional is your welcome?


"Lord Jesus, thank You for radically welcoming me into Your family. Thank You that I may learn from You what radical and unconditional welcoming means. Will You help me reflect You and Your radical welcome to the people I meet? Amen."

P.S. This is the last day of this reading plan. We hope it has helped you as a follower of Jesus and that you have enjoyed it, but, of course, there is much more to discover.

The materials in this reading plan come from Alongsiders, a European discipleship movement. Do you want to take the next step? Do you have a heart for discipleship and want to know more about how you can give it practical form?

Click here for more reading plans and opportunities to grow in discipleship.

Day 2

About this Plan

Discipleship & Radical Welcome

How do you follow Jesus' example and radically welcome others? You will spend a few days working with this theme in this plan. What does the Bible say, what does the Master - Jesus - himself say, and how can you take concrete steps in "radical welcome"?
