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DAY 7 OF 7


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Spiritual Principle

Many times in this life we feel alone. For some of us, it is because we try to measure up to God’s standards all on our own. Others of us feel like we cannot ask questions or admit our struggles without seeming weak in our faith. But these are all lies! Where in the Bible have you ever seen someone walking their faith journey alone? It was not Jesus; He had his disciples (Lk. 6:12-16). It was not Jesus’s mother; she had John after Jesus was crucified (Jn. 19:25-27). It was not Paul; he had Timothy and other companions on his journeys (Phil. 2:19-23). No one ever walked this road alone, and neither should you.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV).

You are better with a friend encouraging you. You are better with a family member loving you. You are better with a mentor teaching you. When you decide to commit to a community of people who are also following Jesus – to being surrounded by people who want to pour into you and be poured into by you – growth happens and peace comes. Having a trusted community of Christ-followers to lean on is a shortcut for spiritual growth like no other.

As this devotional comes to an end, let’s recap all we learned this week!

CTRL + N – With salvation through Jesus, a new chapter of your life can be started.

CTRL + C, CTRL + V – Imitate Christ, He’s worth following.

CTRL + H – You can replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God’s Word.

CTRL + Z – You cannot undo your past, but you can move forward with purpose.

CTRL + B – Be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and be BOLD.

CTRL + ALT + H – Live out your walk with Christ with people who are also following Jesus.

These spiritual shortcuts, or principles, are simple but can totally change your life. Practice these principles daily, and hold them near to your heart so that you can thrive, instead of strive.

Day 6

About this Plan


Have you ever been typing and wished you knew faster ways to complete certain tasks? Throughout this series, we are going to teach you a few computer shortcuts with spiritual principles from God’s Word connected to them that you can apply to your life. Join us for seven days of learning spiritual shortcuts!
