Know the Power of I Amናሙና

I am no longer a slave to fear.
Have you ever questioned why you repeat certain behaviors? You know, like worrying over something when you have proof that He will bring you out, just as He has done in the past. Seriously, think about it. EVERYONE has a life experience where fear crept in and made them question their ability to conquer, but God brought them through. If you reflect on your life journey, I am sure you can come up with at least one, if not many more examples.
I love how God starts this scripture in Joshua 1:9 with “have I not commanded you?” It is easy to fall into the familiar, even when it does not serve you positively. I fell into questioning many times before. “God, will you bring me out? I know you have in the past, but...” Yes, I did it. I not only questioned, I added in “but!” But, praise God for the grace to help me overcome daily.
This example may seem minuscule to what you may currently face but think of it this way: it took fearlessness to learn how to walk. The first couple of falls were scary, but you overcame them. It required you to be fearless to learn a new language or learn how to swim or dive for the first time. You may have struggled and felt an overflow of butterflies in your stomach, but you passed your Spanish class and look forward to swimming each summer! You have done many fearless things in the past, and you can do many more!
Repeat this Affirmation:
I Am Fearless
No longer will I allow things to hold me back from being the fierce, fabulous, and fearless person I am destined to be! Yes, I will experience some things that might frighten me, but I will still do it afraid. As scripture states, “God did not give me a spirit of fear but of power, love and self-control.” 2 Tim. 1:7 I will no longer be a slave to fear. I am bold, courageous, and fearless in Jesus' Name!
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Proverbs 18:21 teaches that "death and life are in the power of the tongue" (NKJB). Some of the most powerful words we speak are those we choose to put after "I Am." What we say after stating "I Am" will affect the trajectory of our lives. This devotional will teach you how to speak with authority while understanding your identity in Christ and not the world.