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5 Days to Better Love Your Local Church Sample

5 Days to Better Love Your Local Church

DAY 4 OF 5

Let’s talk about one of the greatest roadblocks we see in the church regarding being able to function the way God intended us to.

Our schedules.

To conduct ourselves the way Acts 2 shows us, or the way Titus 2 instructs us, we must make our church and those that we attend church with a priority. And not only once a week, but in our everyday life.

If your schedule lacks margin for your church family, you will likely find yourself drained, unfulfilled, and unmotivated in your calling.

Hebrews 10:24-25 says,

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

To stir one another up, you must make time for one another. And as a side note, you probably also need to make time for the “considering” part as well. Why would this be so clearly stated in Scripture if it was just a natural reaction to doing good works, or if meeting was just a suggestion on the weeks where we didn’t have a packed schedule?

Loving each other looks like being available to each other. Not just in theory, but in actual life, which means you may have to evaluate your calendars and activities to love and serve your church rightly… and also to give your church an opportunity to love and serve you rightly.

Don’t miss out on the gift of a church family because you don’t have time to receive it.

Father, thank You for Your church. Thank You for the incredible gift that it is. Please help me to love it the way You do, even when it's hard to love. Place me in the exact place You want me to be and use me in that place however You see fit. I pray for the leadership in my church, that You would give them wisdom to lead us, energy to show up when they’re tired, and joy that overflows so that they can love the body of believers You’ve entrusted to them well. Amen.

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

5 Days to Better Love Your Local Church

The local church is a huge part of God’s design for the Christian community, and although He never promised us it would be perfect, He is clear that it's necessary. In this five-day plan, you’ll be reminded why you need the church, why the church needs you, and how to best engage the body of believers using His Word as your guide and the sacrifice Jesus made as your motivation.
