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Joy Comes in the MorningSample

Joy Comes in the Morning

DAY 5 OF 5

“Though your weeping may last for the night, joy comes in the morning.” - Psalm 30:5

Think of a time in your life, maybe you’re currently in it, where your weeping lasted all night, where the tears felt like they would never stop. Maybe a loved one passed into eternity or maybe you got your heart broken by a friend or maybe you got results from a doctor you weren’t expecting. Tears, tears, and more tears. Weeping, weeping, and more weeping. Have you been there before? Are you there now? We all have all been there if we’re honest.

But there is good news my friend… There is light, not only at the end of your tunnel, but in the midst of it. He is the Light of the world and He is the Light of your current situation. Your feelings don’t scare Him away and your tears don’t embarrass Him. God longs to comfort you if you’ll let Him. Will you let Him?

Let’s pause and think about the sun setting and rising for a minute. The physical proof of God’s Creation, the sun, is spiritual proof that your tears will go away and your smile will return before long. As the sun goes down and all of us go to sleep, God doesn’t sleep. He sings songs of deliverance over us while we rest and He provides new morning mercies every single morning. You may feel like your life is really hard right now, and maybe it is, but I can promise you that Joy will come. Maybe not tomorrow morning but if you place your eyes back onto God, you will start to remember that He is the one who makes the sun rise and He made your heart too.

Before coming to the end of this 5 day devotional about joy, I want to remind you that if you have placed your trust in Christ and you’ve chosen to follow Him, this world is not your forever home. You won’t always have to deal with tears. In fact, Revelation 21:4 says, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” 

This is what we have to look forward to and we can experience it in part now, by putting our faith in Christ and Christ alone. I pray that you will step into the fullness of your salvation which includes supernatural love, peace, rest, contentment, and of course joy. Take heart, for He has overcome the world. God bless you!


Day 4

About this Plan

Joy Comes in the Morning

If you could have joy for the rest of your life, would you choose to? If in the midst of the hardest circumstances, you could somehow smile, would you? If there was a way to be happy and full of laughter all the time, should you? This 5-day reading plan by Baylor Wilson will encourage you to receive the everlasting joy that Jesus offers no matter what you’re walking through.
