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Grace to Be Strong and CourageousSample

Grace to Be Strong and Courageous

DAY 1 OF 5

Are You Drowning in Fear?

Are you struggling to keep your head above water? Do you feel at any moment the waves of despair, chaos, and suffering will crash over you for the last time, breaking you, tossing you into the depths of the ocean floor?

You are not alone. The world is hurting. There are unspeakable horrors happening all around us across oceans, in our own land, even in our own homes. A horrible pandemic has swept the nations. Wars and rumors of wars are very real. People are fighting one another with words, fists, and weapons. People are fighting for their very lives. People are dying! 

What are we to do in times such as these? The Bible gives us the answer.     

"Be strong and courageous!" 

We need courage more than ever. We may be tempted to cover our eyes and ears, pretending bad things do not exist. But doing so is just another way to give in to fear. Father God doesn’t want us to cower in fear. 

The Holy Spirit began to talk to me about trusting Father, living in faith beyond fear, standing strong, and becoming courageous.

Everybody wants to be courageous. Few hope for the terrible opportunities to demonstrate courage.

Here's the thing, though: TRIBULATION IS GUARANTEED! Jesus told us so. 

"In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world."~ John 16:33b NASB

There will be times we will be in distress. Most of us have or WILL find ourselves in a narrow place, hemmed in, feeling as though there are few options for escape or there is absolutely no way out.  

But we have this promise of Jesus: He has overcome the world!  He has prevailed in battle and remains victorious!  

When we remember Jesus, who is perfect love, and fix our eyes on Him, we can be bold, strong, and courageous. We can love one another in such a way that boldness and courage overcome fear.

“Don't worry or surrender to your fear. I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace.  Don't yield to fear, or be troubled in your hearts-instead, be courageous!" ~John 14:1,27 TPT

Day 2

About this Plan

Grace to Be Strong and Courageous

Any of you out there feel as though you are struggling to keep your head above water? Do you feel at any moment the waves of despair, chaos, or suffering will crash over you for the last time, breaking you, tossing you into the depths of the ocean floor? What are we to do in times such as these? “Be strong and courageous!” Remember: Our God is big and strong!
