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100 Days in the New Testament: The Athlete's Challengeናሙና

100 Days in the New Testament: The Athlete's Challenge

ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ100

Play for the Team


"Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.” 1 John 4:7-9 NLT


Have you ever had trouble loving someone else? For me, it was when I played for a travel soccer club. My favorite position to play was forward because when I played up there, I got to score all the goals and get all of the glory. One year we had a new kid transfer on the team, and while I didn’t want to admit it then, he was much better than me. He took over my position, and I got put back on midfield, where I had to run a lot more and play a more team role. 

I remember one game when he was in a great position to score, but I kept the ball and shot from further away and missed the goal. Ultimately, I hurt the team with how I played and the attitude that I had towards him. 

When we don’t love both Christians and non-Christians, we hurt the team. We hurt the team because we send the message that God isn’t love. This passage tells us that those who don’t have love don’t even know God! What a statement. 

There might even be a teammate that we might think doesn’t deserve being loved, but that still isn’t a valid excuse because we didn’t either. “He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.” That means loving those who don’t or do deserve it. So, get on the team and play for the team of Christ because the world needs His love. 


  • What about the story above stuck out to you? Explain.
  • Is there a teammate or friend in your life you are having a hard time loving? How come?
  • What can you do to love people more on a daily basis?

Weekly Challenges:

  • Share with someone how this 100-Day Challenge went for you.
  • Process it together and start a new plan on YouVersion by using the Share with Friends feature.

Reading Plan: 

Day 99 - 1 John 4-5

Day 100 - 2 John & 3 John

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100 Days in the New Testament: The Athlete's Challenge

Are you ready to begin the 100 Day New Testament Challenge? We are excited you accepted the challenge to read the New Testament in 100 days (15 weeks). By being here, you’ve shown a desire to seek the Kingdom of God first. As you begin this journey, you’ll connect with God and His Word on a deeper level, fueling your drive to compete for Christ. So, are you ready?
