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Love IDEAS-Exploring the Heart of RelationshipsSample

Love IDEAS-Exploring the Heart of Relationships

DAY 6 OF 7

Day 6 -   Focusing on the Right Thing

ASK: Ask for God to join you for today’s reading, and to provide you more insight into what “doing the right thing” looks like in your life. 

READ: Matthew 14:22-33, Isaiah 41:10

DEVOTIONAL: In one of the most critically acclaimed business management books, The One Minute Manager (1982), Ken Blanchard and co-author Spencer Johnson talk about being intentional with allocating time for listening to employees. Not only does this allow for managers to get information and feedback on how things are going and heading off potential problems, it gives them the opportunity to get to know their people and make their employees feel valued. It is important to recognize that how we see and engage in any situation can be totally different depending on our viewpoint. Being able to focus on the right things is really key. 

I’ve coached women’s soccer for a very long time, and I had a player one year who was a forward and she was very fast. She would regularly break through the defense with her speed and find herself one-on-one with the goalkeeper. A soccer goal is 24 feet across and 8 feet high with only one person trying to protect all of that open space. It’s not hard to score with those odds.  But time and time again, game after game, this girl would get breakaways and shoot the ball and it would go straight to the goalkeeper. I would shake my head and mutter to myself, “any place but there!” As I talked to her, I finally figured out the problem was that she was focusing on the wrong thing. When she would get a breakaway and look up, all she would see was the goalie, and when she took her shot, that’s where it went. It’s kinda like saying to someone, “I want you to think of anything but lemons.” All you can think about is lemons! So I developed a special drill that allowed her to focus on where to put the ball rather than where NOT to put the ball, i.e., right to the goalie. From then on, when she got breakaways, she’d look up to see the goalie, but then focus on the empty places she would put the ball. And when she would take the shot: GOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!      

The story in Matthew 14:22-33 is all about focusing on the right thing. Jesus sent the disciples out ahead of Him and a storm kicked up on the Sea of Galilee and overwhelmed the disciples. These are guys, some of whom were supposed to be professional fishermen, and they were nervous and scared of the storm! Jesus walks across the water, through the storm, to get to the disciples. The disciples are scared again thinking that Jesus is a ghost!  But Jesus immediately said to them “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” He said. Peter then gets out of the boat and starts walking toward Jesus… on top of the water. But what happens? Peter suddenly starts looking around, seeing the wind and waves, probably overwhelmed by the reality of the situation - walking on water - and he starts to sink. Classic paralysis by analysis! And Peter cries out, probably panicked, “Jesus, save me!” Jesus reaches down and pulls him up, saying “You of little faith, why did you doubt?”

We’re in similar circumstances today. There is a lot going on around us, of which we are fearful and stressed and anxious. If we focus on the circumstances, they will overwhelm us. Jesus invites us to join Him in the midst of crazy, stormy, out of control situations, lifting us up. God is not surprised by what is happening these days. God is still in control. Focus on Jesus in these times of turmoil so you can walk on top of the waves in the storms of life. It doesn’t mean the storm will stop, but you will gain confidence and “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

WRITE: List the things that are giving you stress and anxiety today. What are you fearful of in these times? What scares you the most? Be honest in your answers. 

MEDITATE: Pray over your list and the things that make you afraid. Pray that God will show Himself to you in the midst of the storm. Pray for true hope and peace in Christ Jesus for your life. 

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

Love IDEAS-Exploring the Heart of Relationships

The Love IDEAS reading plan provides real, practical, useful relationship advice based on biblical perspective that will inspire to help you overcome these difficult times of stress, anxiety and isolation with video clips and advice from top relationship experts. Based on the Love IDEAS Summit.
