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DAY 5 OF 5

“The Mind of Christ”

In the third day of this devotion, we saw that we have the Holy Spirit constantly with us to comfort and guide us. In yesterday’s devotion, we looked at the importance of turning to God’s Word to find truths we can use to replace our fears. Finally, in our struggles with fear and anxiety, “We have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16 NIV). Or in other words, we have access to God’s thoughts.

I know this sounds sort of mystical. Scripture makes it really clear, however. The Word says, “Who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may un­derstand what God has freely given us” (1 Corinthians 2:11-12 NIV). Break it down. We have been given the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of God knows His own thoughts. Simple. 

So, we take captive every thought that doesn’t line up with what God says is true about Himself (2 Corin­thians 10:3-5). Basically, we train ourselves to say, “No, thought! You don’t get to exalt yourself higher than what God says is true. You have to obey Christ.” We recognize the lie as quickly as we think it, and we don’t give it any room to grow into fear in our hearts.

Can you sense the freedom that will come from having an entire arsenal of truth to fire back at the lies of the Enemy? Can you see how strengthening your spirit and remaining rooted in truth can keep you walking straight out of the for­est of fear? Do you realize how free you can be from your relentless thoughts that keep you looping in circles? 

Sis, I can’t do anything about what’s going on in your body. But I can absolutely walk you right up to Truth Himself and say, “He has heart solutions. He can disarm fear. He can make lies bow. He can uproot shame and pain and the emotional junk you’ve been carrying for too long.”

Father, give me the thoughts of Your Son and His peace. Silence the Enemy. Take hold of every fear. Remove the power of fear in my life. Amen.

Day 4

About this Plan


There are many reasons you might be experiencing anxiety right now. But author Becky Thompson is here to tell you that you’re much less alone than you feel. You’re much closer to Jesus than it seems. There is hope. There is healing. And there is peace for your troubled heart.
