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Explore God's Heart For World MissionsSample

Explore God's Heart For World Missions

DAY 7 OF 7

We have grown to know and learn so much about God’s heart for the world. For many of us, we could be considered “World Christians” now, which means we are “people who understand God’s heart for the world and strategically live their lives in such a way that wherever they are and whatever they do, they are working to see Him glorified among all nations.” In light of this, it is time to pass on the blessing to others. Just as we have each experienced something we could not wait to share with others, whether it be a great movie, vacation spot, or hobby, we get to take our excitement and enthusiasm for God’s global purpose and share it with those around us; after all, we tell people about the things that excite us! Just like we feel joy when people share in our excitement, God experiences joy when we are excited about the things that delight His heart. God is passionate about reaching out to those who have never heard the gospel, and He has invited us to share that excitement through mobilizing others. 

A mobilizer is someone who “empowers others with global vision, passion, and strategy, helping them get personally connected to finding their most strategic role in the Great Commission.”  In a sense, mobilizers are World Christians who help other believers become World Christians. The best way to raise up other World Christians is to first model the lifestyle, and then invite others to join you. Whether it be through praying for the nations, financially supporting cross-cultural goers, or welcoming internationals into our lives, we have the opportunity to model what it looks like to be a World Christian to every believer in our lives, and inviting them to join us.

Jesus is our example of modeling and inviting. He lived a life of intentionality and purpose, and then invited others to do the same. Since modeling and inviting is the very heart of mobilization, all of us can be mobilizers. Whether we are business professionals, stay-at-home-moms, or students; whether we are young, old, or middle-aged; whether we are very outgoing or more reserved—we can all find a way to model the World Christian lifestyle and invite others to join us. Here are three things to remember as you mobilize: 

  1. Mobilizers are relational. It’s most effective when we connect with people life-on-life. We could simply inform people what they should do to grow into a World Christian lifestyle, but it is better if we walk with them through the process. Be intentional and available to answer questions. Help them overcome fears and encourage them as they grow. 
  2. Mobilizers utilize resources. We direct people to resources to help them develop as a World Christian. Whether it is a missions book, short video, missions agency, prayer materials, or a website, seek to be knowledgeable about available resources. You don’t need to know all of the information, just where to find it.
  3. Mobilizers are humble. We are not here to tell churches, pastors, or people that they are wrong or they are not doing enough. We are here to encourage, inspire, and model a lifestyle of participation in the Great Commission. Mobilizers should be a blessing to a local church. If possible, work your mobilization plan within your local body with your leaders’ blessing and input, as well as everywhere else that God opens a door.

Instead of trying to figure out where mobilization might lead you, think of where you can start. Maybe it’s by adding a missionary or an unreached people group to your prayers before a meal, and asking your close friends or your small group members to do the same. If you already read and discuss world news, how about sharing with people how current events are affecting unreached people groups? If you plan to eat out with friends or family members, try going to an ethnic restaurant and befriending the staff. These are just a few ways to exert World Christian influence to those around you. Certainly these activities will push you out of your comfort zone, but as you are intentional about giving priority to God’s global mission, the habit of modeling and inviting will become a part of who you are and what you do. 

Now that you have an understanding of the role you play as mobilizers and World Christians in God’s global purpose, let’s spend some time committing ourselves and our ways to God. Remember, God is even more excited about this than you are and will surely give you all that you need. 

Gracious God, we pray that You would give us power and courage to prioritize these practices into our lives. Help us keep our minds and hearts focused on You so these practices don’t become legalistic rituals, but remain our joyful participation in Your global purpose. Father, we pray that You would indeed make Your name holy and exalted among all the peoples of the earth. We pray that Your Kingdom would come and Your desires would happen on earth, among all people, the same way they happen in heaven. In Jesus' Name, Amen!

Day 6

About this Plan

Explore God's Heart For World Missions

This is a plan that talks about God's heart for global missions. It looks through scripture where God calls us to reach the unreached and talks about God's heart for the nations. This 7-day plan will explore how we as Christians should engage in God's plan to reach the world.
