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Where Jesus WalkedSample

Where Jesus Walked

DAY 5 OF 5

The Garden Tomb is a rock-cut tomb in Jerusalem. It was unearthed in 1867 and is considered by some Christians to be the site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus. 


One of the greatest verses in the Bible is, “Do not be afraid! You come seeking for Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified – He is not here! For He is risen!” (Mark 16:6)

Upon entering the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, I was overcome with gratitude for and awe of the power of God. What a relief to know that not even death could hold Jesus down. No matter how bleak the world looks through the lens of the nonstop media reports and headline news, believers don’t have to fret over the future because the tomb was empty! Jesus fulfills His promises. He said He would rise again, and He said He is coming back. 

I’ve often said that the best emotion in the world is relief—that beautiful feeling of reassurance and optimism following the lifting of anxiety, pain, distress, and pressure from our shoulders. Mary, the mother of Jesus, experienced all these negative emotions as she watched her firstborn Son being tortured on a cross. Intellectually, she may have known this day would come, but emotionally, her heart was shattered and her faith tested to its limit (see Luke 2) when Simeon prophesized that a sword would pierce Mary’s soul). Mary had to suffer the greatest pain on Friday, but can you imagine how great her relief was on Sunday when her despair was transformed into overwhelming joy!

Relief is a beautiful thing because it provides many unexpected benefits: it comforts us, multiplies our gratitude, reminds us to not take anything for granted, and removes blinders from our eyes. We are better people on the other side of relief. 

Before experiencing the relief of seeing the risen Savior, the disciples ached with the pain and confusion of what happened, so much so that their grief blinded them. Trapped in the dark, they forgot what Jesus had taught them in the light. My heart swells when I think of the joy the disciples felt when they witnessed the miracle of a resurrection! The light of the world chased the darkness away when He rose victoriously from the grave. 

God promises that He will turn all negative things around for good for the benefit of those who love Him. I believe our joy will be magnified in eternity because of the unique pain, suffering, anxiety, stress and pressure we have endured while walking through this broken world—because only then we will know the difference. 

They say the only man-made thing in Heaven is Jesus’ scars. If that’s the case, may we never forget the pain He endured on our behalf. Why? Because the knowledge of His love for us comforts our hearts, multiplies our gratitude, reminds us not to take anything for granted, and opens our eyes to His unfailing love. 

Let’s be thankful we have all of eternity to praise Jesus for the sacrifice He made in order to save us. What a relief it is to know Him, to belong to Him, and to trust in Him. We never have to worry about unwritten chapters in our story when we know who the Author is. 

What a relief!

"fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)

Day 4

About this Plan

Where Jesus Walked

Visiting Israel truly makes the stories of the Bible come to life. After seeing the Holy Land with my own eyes for the first time, I returned home with a heightened sense of gratitude and awe. In this devotional, I share with you a few of the insights and truths I learned while walking where Jesus walked.
