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Money Scriptures Every Christian Should KnowSample

Money Scriptures Every Christian Should Know

DAY 4 OF 4

If you have lived much life at all, you are probably well aware that putting your trust in the economy, your employer, or your bank account is not a good idea. They are all fair-weather friends. One moment, all is well. The next moment, years of planning and hard work fall apart without warning.

However, God is always faithful. We can be just as confident He’s at work in our lives when everything looks crazy as when everything looks stable. We can always trust God to be our supply.

The opposite is true as well.

Even when things look peaceful and calm, that is not an indication of security. Our security comes from God. It’s not at all dependent on what’s going on around us. Whether it is the economy, our finances, our children, or our marriages, we can (and should) trust God with all of it.

When are we secure?

After going through a particularly tough faith test, I noticed something about myself. When my circumstances began to “look” better, I trusted a bit less in God and a bit more in myself. After all, my situation didn’t require much faith.

What a mistake! We are no less dependent on God when things are going well as when they seem like a disaster.

Good circumstances only provide an illusion of security. That’s when it’s easiest to see how things will all work out. But isn’t it amazing how quickly we can go running back to God when things look bad again? We quickly realize that God was really our protection all along.

The great news is that for believers, bad circumstances are only an illusion of a lack of security. We have God’s word: He will never leave us, never forsake us. Call on Him.

It doesn’t matter how the economy looks, how your prospects seem, or how things are going at work. God will still supply your needs. Just like He promised.

Pray this prayer of commitment:

God, I give you my work, my money, my debt, and my ability to earn. I relinquish my trust in the economy, the stock market, and my job. When it’s all said and done, You are Lord of all. And so I trust You with everything, believing You are able to supply all my needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

In Jesus’ Name,


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Day 3

About this Plan

Money Scriptures Every Christian Should Know

There are well over 1,000 references to money and finances in the Bible. Clearly, this is a topic that God knew we needed some help with. In this study, you will get a quick glimpse at some of the key Biblical essentials when it comes to handling our money and financial lives.
