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Read To Me Daily Semester 3ናሙና

Read To Me Daily Semester 3

ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ82

1KINGS 21-22:
What a cruel surprise it must have been for Elijah to bring about such an irrefutable display of God's power before the people, but then to have to flee for his life because of Queen Jezebel! Note that God deigned to speak twice to King Ahab. And the reason was: God wanted it known to Ahab and to us that He is not a territorial God. God also gave amazing, symbolic revelations of Himself in the story of His appearing to Elijah at Mount Sinai. Finally, in yesterday’s reading in 1st Kings, Elijah's successor, Elisha, was introduced.

PSALM 122:
Today’s poem, Psalm 122, is another Song of Assent. Consider how exciting it would have been to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. And let’s all keep ‘marching to Zion’.

JOHN 10a:
As we turn to John 10, note that this is a place where the chapter divisions in our Bibles probably do not serve us well. In the original manuscript by John, there would not be any separation between what Jesus said to the Pharisees to answer their question about spiritual blindness, and this chapter. In fact, in John’s day they didn’t even have spaces between words. So in all likelihood, there was not even a new line to start this teaching. So let’s envision Jesus giving this teaching while the previously blind man and the Pharisees were listening.

Let’s pray.
Our Lord, and our Messiah, Jesus: We kneel in worship before You. In our hearts we honor You as Lord, as the one who causes the physically blind to see, and who even uncovers the darkness in human hearts and floods us with your light. You are the Light of the world. Your light shines in the darkness, and the darkness will never extinguish your light. But the people of this world run from your light. They know that coming to You would mean that their sin would be revealed. It would demand honesty, it would result in humble confession and repentance. “No,” they say! “Not me. I don’t even see that light!” We are not going to be able to convince such people to see. Only You can do that. So we ask You to open blind eyes everywhere. We ask that for isolated people groups in this world who have always been closed to the light, and for our friends and relatives who have rejected You for so long.


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ቀን 18ቀን 20

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Read To Me Daily Semester 3

This plan covers the third semester (82 days) in the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. The DDD plan delivers the chronological content of the Bible in two Old Testament portions per day plus one New Testament portion. The audio devotional introduction to each day's readings will help you to remember what you read before, and will encourage you to dig deeper to find the treasures in God’s Word.
