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Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna LightSample

Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light

DAY 7 OF 7

At the start of our plan, we realized comparison comes from lack. Lack of understanding of who God is, and who we are because of Him.

I’m convinced our inability to remain connected to Him daily is because we don’t have a full understanding of His true nature. He’s not an angry kill-joy, watching us from heaven waiting for us to mess up. He's not holding out on us. He doesn’t condemn us, judge us, or experience any negative emotion toward us. He’s a deeply personal, loving God, who is as close as our heartbeat.

He is also infinitely complete. He lacks nothing. The work Jesus did on the cross allows us to have the spirit of God living inside us. Therefore, we lack nothing either.

When it comes to comparison, we simply need to remember: each of us is an expression of the nature of God—an aspect of His being He wanted the world to know.

Do you know which aspect the Lord is revealing through you?

Are you:

Orderly, Compassionate, Responsible, Creative, Free-spirited, Disciplined, Kind, Funny, Smart, Fierce, Quiet, A good listener, Nurturing, Competitive, Laid back, Intense…He has placed inside of you an aspect of Himself. God is so faceted! He needed a whole human race to express Who He is to us!

Knowing who you are and the unique features in which He’s gifted you will give you the confidence to do the right thing when you are tempted to compare. Ask yourself, “What is this person showing me about God?”

By what they share on social media ask, “What aspect of God can I see in this person?”

In your interactions with others, “What is God revealing to me through this interaction?”

When you feel threatened by another’s talents or success, “How can I celebrate what God is doing in this person’s life?”

When you’ve grown in your own identity and gained the confidence in who God has created you to be, you’ll not only be able to think those positive thoughts but say them out-loud. You will be able to compliment with a sincere heart to build others up instead of tearing them or yourself down through comparison. What a life-giving person you’ll become to others!

As you see yourself as a valuable aspect of the nature of God, you will begin to see others the same way, and finally, overcome the trap of comparison.

Lord, help me see myself the way You see me. Open my eyes to see the God in each person I come into contact with so that I might bring You glory through my interactions. I pray You show me my value and the unique aspect of Your nature You have placed inside of me so that I can be free to celebrate the unique aspects You’ve placed inside of others. I will no longer compare. I say it again, I will no longer compare myself to others, but do my part to celebrate the body of Christ so that it will be built up and strengthened, in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen!

I hope you have enjoyed this reading plan. For more resources to help you breaking free from what holds you back, visit Anna at

Day 6

About this Plan

Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light

You know God offers you a more abundant life than the one you're living, but the sad truth is comparison holds you back from going to the next level. In this reading plan Anna Light uncovers insights that will shatter the lid comparison puts on your capabilities, and help you live the free and abundant life God designed for you. 
