Psalms 93

psalm XCIII
Tuin: Stroudwater
1The Lord wi’ majestie is cled,
And He alane dis ring
Owre a’ His warks, that He has made,
Wi’ micht, as sets a King.
2The warl’ on siccar foonds is set;
Ootowre it winna swee;
Thou and Thy throne establishit
Frae everlastin’ be.
3The fludes, O Lord, wi’ fearsome din
And loodsome roarin’ ran;
The rushin’ fludes rax’t heigh abune,
As gin they’d loup the lan’
4But God, abune the fludes that bides,
In poo’er excels them a’ —
The roarin’ spates, the michty tides
O’ sea, that rise and fa’.
5The trystins promis’d in Thy Word
Can aye be lippen’d fair;
Thy Hoose and holiness, O Lord,
Are marrows ever mair.

Currently Selected:

Psalms 93: SCOMP





ያደመቋቸው ምንባቦች በሁሉም መሣሪያዎችዎ ላይ እንዲቀመጡ ይፈልጋሉ? ይመዝገቡ ወይም ይግቡ

ከ Psalms 93ጋር የተዛመዱ ነፃ የንባብ እቅዶች እና ምንባቦች

YouVersion የእርስዎን ተሞክሮ ግላዊ ለማድረግ ኩኪዎችን ይጠቀማል። የእኛን ድረ ገጽ በመጠቀም፣ በግለሰብነት መመሪያችን ላይ እንደተገለጸው የእኛን የኩኪዎች አጠቃቀም ተቀብለዋል