
Свето Писмо: Стандардна Библија 2006 (со девтероканонски книги)


Свето Писмо: Стандардна Библија 2006

Врз основа на овој превод снимено е аудио издание на Новиот Завет, во интерпретација на Симон Беличанец и Анета Трпевска.

Доколку си заинтересиран да добиеш печатено издание, те молам исконтактирај го Библиското здружение на Република Македонија во Скопје.

© Библиско Здружение на Р. Македонија 2006

Holy Scriptures: The Macedonian Standard Bible 2006

A new translation of the New Testament by Archbishop Gavril was published in 1988, and the whole Bible was published by the United Bible Societies (UBS) in 1990. It was known as “Gavril’s” Bible. In 2005 this was revised with input from the different Christian traditions in Macedonia. This new Revised Edition of the Holy Scriptures known as the Macedonian Standard Bible was published by the Macedonian Bible Society in 2006. It is the standard Macedonian Bible used by most Macedonian Christians, and the one authorised by the Holy Synod of Hierarchs of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. 

An audio edition was produced for the New Testament of this translation, which was narrated by Simon Belichanec and Aneta Trpevska.

If you are interested in obtaining a printed copy, please contact the Macedonian Bible Society in Skopje.

© Bible Society of the Republic of Macedonia 2006