Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of LeadershipIsampula

Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of Leadership


Sustaining Friendships

How did leaders in the Bible cope with the demands of leadership? One way was to cultivate spiritual friendships and partnerships. David had Jonathan. Esther had Mordecai. Moses had his father-in-law, Aaron, Miriam and Joshua. Jesus had Peter, James, John, Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Paul had Barnabas, Luke and Timothy. How do you encourage one another in faith? What can you do to help one another focus on leading like Jesus today?

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith.—Romans 1:11-12

Prayer: Lord, I want to be an encouragement to others who are seeking to lead like Jesus, and I need their encouragement. Help me prioritize and cultivate relationships with like-minded leaders. Show me how we can encourage one another. In Your Name, Amen.

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Mayelana naloluHlelo

Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of Leadership

Lead Like Jesus: 21 Days of Leadership provides practical, Bible-based leadership principles for the effective development of people whose heart's desire is to lead as Jesus did.
