與 路得記 4:11 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

Learning Hope From Naomi’s Loss: Readings From Ruth
5 Days
The story of Naomi and Ruth is well-known and greatly loved. But the brevity and familiarity of this beautiful story of redemption can cause us to pass over the themes of loss, trauma, and restoration too quickly. On this plan, you will discover how the experience of great loss changes us and affects our views of God and the unexpected ways that God can express his care and provision.

Ruth: A Story of God’s Redeeming Love
7 Days
Perhaps one of the most impressive short stories of all time, the book of Ruth is an account of God’s redeeming love. The book of Ruth is a fantastic story of how God uses the lives of ordinary people to work His sovereign will. With beautiful allegories of Christ’s love and sacrifice for His people, we are shown the lengths God goes to redeem His children.