與 詩篇 46:11 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
4 天
當我們思考我們所處的世界的狀況時,戰爭和衝突似乎主宰著每個新聞頻道,自然災害影響著全球人民,社區內關係破裂很常見,我們看看詩篇 46篇,它給了我們信心在任何情況下,神都是不會動搖的根基。我們改變了,我們的處境改變了,但我們的神沒有。
Dealing with Uncertainty
5 Days
Does life feel out of control? In a volatile world filled with political, economic, and social uncertainty, how do you fight anxiety and fear? How do you live courageously and hold onto hope? In this 5-day Plan, discover 3 biblical ways to find courage in the face of uncertainty, and learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine.
Waiting Here for You, An Advent Journey of Hope
7 Days
Advent is simply a season of expectant waiting and preparation. Join pastor and author Louie Giglio on an Advent journey to discover that waiting is not wasting when you're waiting on the Lord. Take hold of the chance to uncover the vast hope offered through the journey of Advent. In the next seven days you'll find peace and encouragement for your soul as anticipation leads toward celebration!
Salvation Rise
10 Days
Salvation Rise takes a closer look at the Scripture that inspired the songs on NewSpring Worship's latest album. Written for new Christians, this 10-day study is a celebration of who God is, what He's done, and all He has in store for us next. Go to https://newspring.cc/music/salvation-rise to buy the album or to download chord charts and performance tracks.
Hope In The Dark
12 Days
This Bible Plan is for anyone who’s hurting and doesn’t understand why. If you’ve lost something, someone, or your faith feels stretched to the breaking point, then this Bible Plan from Life.Church Pastor Craig Groeschel’s book, Hope in the Dark, might be exactly what you need. If you want to believe, but you’re not sure how, this is for you.