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與 詩篇 25:16 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Step into Purpose
5 days
What is my purpose? What am I meant to do with my life? What is God's plan for me? These are all questions many of us ask at one point or another in our lives. We aim to answer some of these questions as we unpack what it is to step into your purpose. Join a few of our C3 College students as they shed some light on this topic.
All the Feels: Take Charge of Your Feelings (Instead of the Other Way Around)
7 Days
Emotions—love them or hate them—we’ve all got them. And we’ve all got to figure out what to do with them. But wait. Can we do anything about emotions? Can we learn how to identify, express, experience—and yes, sometimes wrangle—our feelings in order to live a vibrant, healthy life for Jesus? These devotions will equip you with the Biblical perspectives and practical tools you need to thrive.