與 詩篇 18:2 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Adamant With Lisa Bevere
6 Days
What is truth? Culture is buying the lie that truth is a river, ebbing and flowing with the passage of time. But truth is not a river—it is a rock. And in a raging sea of opinions, this plan will help anchor your soul—giving you a clear sense of direction in a wandering world.
God Is _______
6 Days
Who is God? We all have different answers, but how do we know what’s true? No matter what your experiences with God, Christians, or church have been like, it’s time to discover God for who He really is—real, present, and ready to meet you right where you are. Take the first step in this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, God Is _______.
基督六家靈晨靈糧系列之3 —— 踐行信仰的人生
《靈晨靈糧》是基督六家在疫情期間推出的每日靈修計劃,為弟兄姐妹提供屬靈餵養。本計劃精選劉鴻昌傳道 Jeremy Liou 的14篇作品,分享如何將信仰實踐在基督徒的日常生活中。
Oswald Chambers: Joy - Strength In The Lord
30 Days
Discover the wisdom of Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest, in this treasury of insights about joy. Each reading features quotations from Chambers along with questions for your own personal reflection. As he inspires and challenges you with his simple and direct biblical wisdom, you will find yourself wanting to spend more time communicating with God.