與 詩篇 139:14 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Everything I Need
3 days
God has gone before us and protects us from behind. He has our battles already handled. He has the blindside covered. He isn’t surprised by curveballs. This focused 3-day devotional will leave you encouraged in the truth that God is the provider of the exact portion, the exact measure, for your life.
Broken Crayons Still Color
5 Days
Many times what we see as our biggest regrets, failures and mistakes become what God uses the most in our lives. God transforms our brokenness into something more beautiful than we can even imagine. He takes our mess and creates a masterpiece. God is the artist and our lives are His canvas. What will you allow Him to create from the broken pieces in your life? In this 5-day plan, you will read scripture and better understand how broken crayons still color.
Relationship Goals
5 Days
Search for #RelationshipGoals on social media, and you’ll find seemingly perfect images of couples in love. But what if the vision of relationship that our society is selling is a mirage? Pastor Michael Todd has written Relationship Goals: How to Win at Dating, Marriage, and Sex about having relationship goals that come from God and align with who He has made us to be.
Showing Empathy
5 Days
Empathy allows us to perceive the needs of others, and bring hope and relief into their lives. Often, we can struggle with how to display empathy. Fortunately, we have a great example: in this Plan. We’ll look at what the Bible has to say about empathy, and how we can grow in ours in order to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
How to Be Grateful for Your Life
5 Days
Throughout the Bible, we're called to “be thankful” and “give thanks.” Why? Because we have a lot to be grateful for! We won't become thankful by accident, but with an intentional habit of gratitude, we'll become even better versions of ourselves as we follow Jesus.
The Pre-Marriage Course
5 Days
Strong marriages don’t just develop automatically. Our hope is that you’ll discover the attitudes, the values and the habits that are needed to build a healthy and strong marriage that will last a lifetime. This 5-day plan is adapted from The Pre-Marriage Course created by Nicky and Sila Lee, authors of The Marriage Book.
你或所愛的人面對抑鬱症、焦慮和心理健康的問題時,要從哪裡獲得幫助呢?神的話語將盼望帶 入最黑暗的絕望之中,史黛西和道格要跟大家分享,神使用哪些鼓勵和經文帶領他們度過在心理 疾病旅程中所遭遇的最艱困的日子。你在使用這個計劃時,願你發現神為那些面臨掙扎的人所預 備的恩典、愛、盼望和喜樂!
Arise and Shine
5 Days
People often say, “Give God your burdens.” Do you ever wonder: How do I do that? The brokenness of the world feels too heavy. And as much as you desire to shine the light of Jesus, you wonder what that looks like when you struggle to see the light yourself. This devotional looks at how we can be lights for Jesus even when our own world feels dark.
Living Changed: Embracing Identity
6 Days
With so many voices telling us who to be, it’s no wonder we struggle with where to place our identity. God doesn’t want us to be defined by our career, marital status, or mistakes. He wants His opinion to be the highest authority in our lives. This six-day plan will help you internalize what the Bible says about who you are and truly embrace your identity in Christ.
Breathe Spiritual Passion Into Your Marriage
7 Days
Taken from his new book "A Lifelong Love," Gary Thomas speaks into the eternal purposes of marriage. Learn practical tools to help craft your marriage into an inspiring relationship, spreading spiritual life to others.
Bold Prayers
7 Days
God’s always good, but that doesn’t mean He’s always safe. This Life.Church Bible Plan dares readers to pray three bold prayers: search me, send me, and break me. Dare to start reading today, and your life will take a scary-good turn.
7 Things The Bible Says About Anxiety
7 Days
Every day has the potential to introduce complex new challenges into our lives. But it’s equally likely that each new day will gift us with exciting new opportunities. In this seven-day devotional, staff members at YouVersion help you apply truths from God’s Word to whatever you’re facing today. Each day’s devotional includes a Verse Image to help you share what God is speaking to you.
Think About the Things You Think About
7 Days
Do you ever just wake up with a bad attitude? Or have emotional outbursts? Or nitpick every tiny flaw you think you have? Ugh. Not fun. But God doesn’t want us to live that way. This Bible Plan will help you learn truth from Philippians chapter 4. It will help you think about what you think about!
聖靈 我們是易燃的還是防火的?
Christian Minimalism: Simple Steps for Abundant Living
7 Days
We all know our purpose in life is not wrapped up in accumulating possessions, wealth, power, and prestige--Jesus is very clear about that--but society tells us otherwise. Christian Minimalism attempts to cut through our assumptions and society's lies about what life should look like and invites readers into a life that Jesus calls us to live: one lived intentionally, free of physical, spiritual, and emotional clutter.
7 Days
Food can be an idol just like anything else. It can consume your thoughts, your attitudes, and your actions. Some people idolize food by eating too much of it, and others idolize food by not eating enough of it. This seven-day plan will help you establish a healthy perspective on food by engaging with the Bible, the "bread of life." For more content, check out finds.life.church
My Child’s Different: Support for the Ups & Downs
8 Days
This Bible Plan is for parents of children with disabilities, differences, or special needs of any kind—no matter what stage you’re in on your particular journey. Read from other parents and advocates about how to deal with all of the feels, tackle the trials, and enjoy the triumphs when it comes to parenting a child who’s different.
Finding Peace
10 Days
Do you want more peace in your life? Do you want tranquility to be more than just a wish? You can gain true peace but only from one source—God. Join Dr. Charles Stanley as he shows you the way to life-changing peace of mind, offering you the tools for resolving past regrets, facing present concerns, and soothing apprehensions about the future.
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.