與 詩篇 103:9 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

Arise and Shine
5 Days
People often say, “Give God your burdens.” Do you ever wonder: How do I do that? The brokenness of the world feels too heavy. And as much as you desire to shine the light of Jesus, you wonder what that looks like when you struggle to see the light yourself. This devotional looks at how we can be lights for Jesus even when our own world feels dark.

When God Doesn't Make Sense
7 Days
Life doesn’t always go the way we expected. You pray with faith, but God doesn’t do what you asked. You seek Him but don’t feel His presence. You’re going through pain, but your cries for relief seem to go unanswered. This Life.Church Bible Plan will guide you through Scriptures to read When God Doesn’t Make Sense.

The Grudge
7 Days
It weighs you down. It keeps people out. It’s heavy and painful—it’s the grudge. Many of us may not realize it, but we’re carrying grudges that need to come out of darkness and into the light. Learn how you can find freedom through forgiveness in this 7-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, The Grudge.

挪去羞愧: 在祂裡找到自由
我們生命中的羞愧必須要面對那位能挪去羞愧的神的對質。不管我們是否願意承認,羞愧的影響波及我們所有人。羞愧企圖使我們無法活出神所計劃的豐盛生命。羞愧讓我們被悔恨、不安全感和疑惑重重包圍,難以發展我們的潛力。 在這四週的學習中,我們將查考聖經中的十一個人物,進而明白神如何對付他們以及我們生命中的羞愧。神曾是挪去羞愧的神,祂如今依然如此。你不是羞愧的奴僕。神可以用祂的能力除去羞愧。在這次的學習中,我們會展示給你看祂是如何做到的。

A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.