與 箴言 3:8 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文

Growing in Love
5 Days
What truly matters is loving God and loving others, but how do we do that effectively? The truth is, we can’t love people well in our own power. But when we look to God and lay ourselves down in humility, we can live from God’s authentic and powerful love. Learn more about growing in love in this 5-day Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel.

6 Days
Change isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible, either. Starting a few small good habits can change how you see yourself today and transform you into the person you want to be tomorrow. This Life.Church Bible Plan moves through Scripture with a simple acronym for making good daily habits that actually stick.

Wisdom for Right Living
7 Days
In our rapidly changing and powerfully challenging world, we need wisdom for living. Our society pulls and pushes us in different directions, and in this turmoil we need a mental compass to guide us in the right way. We need wisdom for right living. This seven-day plan, based mainly on Proverbs, explores this subject as presented by Solomon.

Jesus Loves Me
7 Days
If someone asked you, "What do I need to believe to be a Christian?" what would you say? By using the simple lyrics to a beloved song, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so”, a journalist-turned-pastor helps you understand what you believe and why. Bestselling author John S. Dickerson clearly and faithfully explains essential Christian beliefs and powerfully illustrates why these beliefs matter.

追求卓越,是每一個人對於生活和生命的理想。 對於一般人來說,在世上追求卓越,無非是在工作上有成就,在家庭上有榜樣,在事業上有版圖...等等 你可曾想過,上帝眼中的卓越意味著甚麼呢? 在世上的成就之外,基督徒是否有著一份更高,更深遠的期待呢? 答案是肯定的,在他的遠大計畫裡,卓越不僅僅是你能達到的成就,而是活在祂所賜下的生命中,擁有一對能看見盼望的眼光。 卓越的秘訣,來自上帝卓越宏大,不可測度的計畫。

Scaling Leadership with Biblical Wisdom
8 Days
Scaling our leadership is critical today. We must enlarge, magnify, maximize, and grow our leadership capacity to navigate our ever-changing environment. Rapidly evolving technology, changing employee/team dynamics, and shifting economics are just some of the issues we encounter. But don't think scaling our leadership is just for the workplace. We must scale our leadership at home and in our relationships. Dive in today to gain practical, relevant leadership insight.

Seek God Through It
10 Days
Depression. Anxiety. Triggers and traumatic events take a mental, emotional, and spiritual toll on us. During these times seeking God seems difficult and redundant. The plan, "Seek God Through It" aims to encourage and teach you how to be proactive in the presence of God so you may experience the peace of God, no matter your situation.

The Better Reading Plan
28 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God's Word is your guide to brighter days. During this 28-day reading plan, you will discover ways you can go from living just a good life to living the type of better life that God desires you to have.