與 箴言 2:2 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
要想獲得蒙福且豐富的回報,就必須從先作出正確的投資。如果你是初信主的基督徒,那麼,你對你的信仰最大的投資就是定時定候吸收上帝的話語。從這裡開始,你每天研讀、了解聖經,並把它切實運用在你的生活當中。引自戴維史旺特(David J. Swandt)所著「從世界出來:一個基督徒成長和目標的指引」一書。
7 Days
It’s all in your head. But what if that’s a good thing? Our thoughts are more than a reaction to what’s happening in our lives—they’re a powerful force for shaping who we are and who we can become. Learn from everyday people like you how you can use the powerful truth of Romans 12:2 to unleash the mastermind inside you.
Making Space
8 Days
In a busy world, we have to make space for the things that matter most. We have to learn to apply godly wisdom that will help you incorporate these activities into your busy life. In some cases, you will find that you are doing the wrong things. Or you might find that you are doing the right things for the wrong reason or in the wrong way, so they are not life-giving or fulfilling.
12 Days
Scripture challenges us to seek wisdom above all things. In this plan, you’ll explore several verses each day that speak directly to wisdom—what it is, why it’s important, and how to develop it.
Conversations With God
12 Days
Conversations With God is a joyous immersion into a more intimate prayer life, emphasizing practical ways to hear God's voice. God wants us to enjoy a running conversation with Him all of our lives—a conversation that makes all the difference in direction, relationships, and purpose. This plan is filled with transparent, personal stories about the reaching heart of God. He loves us!
14 天
是耶穌的愛重新帶我審視自己也是同為罪人的身分,聖經讓我看到自己不配接受到任何自以為義的報償。我背地裡行過的惡,遠遠大過我在眾人面前的善行。而耶穌願意為了這樣我,還作罪人的我,犧牲祂的生命。 是這份愛,讓我確知自己100%的救恩,是這份愛繼續帶領一個不擅長承擔責任,只想幫忙唱唱歌、彈彈吉他的我,踏上了傳道的旅程。 是這份愛,讓我在傳福音、邀請人的過程雖經歷了無數的拒絕和忽視,依然能夠繼續把臉皮磨厚,繼續帶上微笑,想辦法讓人有機會聽福音。 因為每個人都有權利聽到福音,作出決定。耶穌為了『世人』的罪釘十字架,不只我們在意的家人、朋友,也包含了我們私人的仇敵和那些報章雜誌登的那些十惡不赦的罪犯。是這個終極的愛和饒恕,帶領我一路到如今。我也願你有機會認識我說的這位上帝。
The Impact Of Scripture
15 Days
What does the Bible have to say about the Bible? What does an ancient book have to say to modern people? This Life.Church Bible Plan explores the role Scripture can play in our everyday lives with Bible readings that highlight how God’s Word is still His Word to us today.
The Better Reading Plan
28 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God's Word is your guide to brighter days. During this 28-day reading plan, you will discover ways you can go from living just a good life to living the type of better life that God desires you to have.