與 腓立比書 2:3 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
In All Things
5 Days
The letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi has traveled across generations to nourish and challenge our hearts and minds today. This five-day devotional gives you a taste of the book of Philippians, many centuries from when God authored it through Paul. May God fill you with wonder and expectation as you read this letter of joy! Because these are not just Paul’s words to an ancient church—these are God’s words to you.
本計畫希望帶給弟兄姊妹一個確信和激勵—基督徒的婚姻如在方舟中生活,注重家庭每一位成員和神生命的關係,存著敬畏神的態度、以神對家庭的準則為藍圖,來建立基督化的家庭。本計劃擷取自『方舟裡的春天-美滿婚姻七要訣』 。 劉仁欽牧師,現任台灣正道福音神學院實踐神學專任教師及家庭婚姻諮商師 (2018)。
Not Afraid: How Christians Can Respond to Crises
5 Days
When a crisis happens in our world, it’s easy to question our faith, and it’s hard to replace the panic we face with the peace we’re promised as Jesus-followers. In this 5-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Not Afraid, we’ll discover three things we can do as Christians in the face of a crisis.
Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?
Growing in Love
5 Days
What truly matters is loving God and loving others, but how do we do that effectively? The truth is, we can’t love people well in our own power. But when we look to God and lay ourselves down in humility, we can live from God’s authentic and powerful love. Learn more about growing in love in this 5-day Bible Plan from Pastor Amy Groeschel.
New Year: A Fresh Start
5 Days
A new year equals a new beginning and a fresh start. It is a time to reset, refresh, and refocus on what's most important in your life. Having the best year ever starts by knowing you are made new through Jesus. Live new in the new year!
塑造成酷似耶穌:腓立比書第二章的反思 (Becoming More Like Jesus: Reflections on Phil. 2)
7 Days
How can we find the right attitude for every situation? What is the right attitude? This seven-day Bible Plan finds answers in the life and teachings of Christ. Let these daily encouragements, reflective prayers, and powerful Scriptures form in you the mind of Christ.
Liking Jesus
7 Days
The average person spends 7.4 hours a day staring at screens. We love the incredible benefits of technology, but many of us suspect there are negative consequences of using it. If you feel your digital dependency is becoming unmanageable, this 7-day devotional will help you reclaim a Christ-centered life. Based on the book Liking Jesus: Following Jesus in a Selfie-Centered World, by bestselling author and pastor of Life.Church, Craig Groeschel.
7 Attributes Of God
7 Days
How has God shown his love, or his power? The Jesus Bible showcases the ways in which God communicated with us, his creations, through Jesus Christ in both the Old and New Testaments. This 7-day reading plan illuminates the characteristics of God to help deepen your understanding and awe of his gifts.
Christian Minimalism: Simple Steps for Abundant Living
7 Days
We all know our purpose in life is not wrapped up in accumulating possessions, wealth, power, and prestige--Jesus is very clear about that--but society tells us otherwise. Christian Minimalism attempts to cut through our assumptions and society's lies about what life should look like and invites readers into a life that Jesus calls us to live: one lived intentionally, free of physical, spiritual, and emotional clutter.
Paul's Prison Epistles: Paul And The Philippians
14 Days
This plan examines Paul's letter of hope and encouragement for the times of persecution and distress he and the Philippians faced.
21 Days to Overflow
21 Days
In the 21 Days to Overflow YouVersion plan, Jeremiah Hosford will take readers on a 3-week journey of emptying themselves of themselves, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and living out an overflowing, Spirit-filled life. It’s time to stop living normally and start living an overflowing life!
Better Together
24 Days
There’s no way you can be all God wants you to be and fulfill the purposes that you were put on this planet to fulfill without any help. We need each other, and we belong to each other in the Body of Christ! In this series, Pastor Rick explains how to do life in relationship to other people.
Postures Of Advent: A Daily Christmas Devotional
27 Days
How we posture ourselves in the Christmas season makes all the difference in our experience of the miracle of the Advent. Be inspired to surrender to Jesus, refocus on Him, and embrace the grace of our King in this 4-week daily devotional as you move through five different postures: Eyes Fixed, Head Up, Knees Bent, Hands Open, and Arms Wide.