與 尼希米記 8:10 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Joy Over Stress: How To Make Daily Joy A Habit
6 days
We are overstressed. Culture tells us to combat our stress by chasing the next happy moment. But the Bible paints a different picture. This six-day plan will show you how you can practically combat your daily stress by making Biblical joy a habit.
健康教會DNA – (三)帶出最好
教會人數眾多不一定就是真正的成功,唯有教會健康才是最重要。健康的教會,一定要能建造許多健康生命質素(DNA),並使這些健康教會的DNA能繼續建立和傳承下去,以在質和量上不斷成長。 健康教會DNA,無非是:面向外邦、不怕困難、對神有積極的信心、帶出最好、築夢踏實、人人參與、滿有動力。盼望我們皆能共同建立健康、榮耀的教會,使教會能世世代代都行在神的心意中! 此讀經計劃截取自王天佑牧師著作的『健康教會DNA』。
Joy for the Journey: Finding Hope in the Midst of Trial
7 Days
We may not always see or feel it, but God is always with us... even when we're going through hard things. In this plan, Finding Hope Coordinator Amy LaRue writes from the heart about her own family's struggle with addiction and how God's joy broke through in their darkest times.
喜樂是一種奧祕的禮物,似乎隨時會消失、但卻又沒有人可以把它奪走。 有時當你失去了這種力量,你會覺得很難消化太多、或太長的經文,但你又知道你實在需要神的話語。這個系列的靈修每天只專注於一段經文,並搭配導讀文字,當你需要從神找回喜樂泉源的時候,你可以好好默想、用這段經文來禱告,或者,如果你願意,嘗試把這段經文背下來,然後一整天都可以思想他。希望廿一天之後,喜樂就在你身邊!
Oswald Chambers: Joy - Strength In The Lord
30 Days
Discover the wisdom of Oswald Chambers, author of My Utmost for His Highest, in this treasury of insights about joy. Each reading features quotations from Chambers along with questions for your own personal reflection. As he inspires and challenges you with his simple and direct biblical wisdom, you will find yourself wanting to spend more time communicating with God.
A Jolt of Joy
31 Days
The Bible tells us that "in His presence is fullness of joy" and that "the joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy isn't simply another emotion; it is a fruit of the Spirit and one of the best weapons in your arsenal to fight against discouragement, depression, and defeat. Learn what the Bible has to say about joy, and strengthening yourself to become a defiantly joyful Christian.